Sunday, February 24, 2008

Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

Yesterday I realized that the world needs another blog.  I decided to give it twenty-four hours to see if the problem mightn't rectify itself.  But when I checked back in today after lunch the situation was unchanged -- still one short.  I sat in front of my laptop,  running the numbers backwards and forwards, hoping against hope it was merely an oversight on my part.  You see, my plate is rather full at the moment and I'd just as soon not take on the responsibilities of town crier, if at all possible.
But the numbers don't lie.  Any which way I add them up, we're still light one web log.  So, for the time being, on a strictly temporary basis until the real guy shows up, I am offering my services to fill the gaping hole in the blogosphere that has become so apparent to me and, I can only suppose, you as well.  
My humble mission is to stand by the side of the road and pass judgement as the parade slouches by.  While I am primarily a political junkie, I am often distracted by films, books, sports and the prospect of a good meal.  I believe in big government, affirmative (or, as I like to call it, restitutive) action, the abolition of the death penalty, campaign finance reform and the restorative powers of golf.  I prefer walking to driving and cafes to diners.  In fact, I would move to Rome in a New York minute if they had access to NBA League Pass.
I write on a Mac and talk on an  iPhone yet I buy my coffee at Starbucks.  There should be a philosophical contradiction inherent somewhere in that statement but, judging by the number of PowerBooks hogging, for hours at a time, the limited table space available in every Starbucks I've ever slapped down a $5 bill for a venti latte in, it appears my fellow Apple afficionados and I are only selectively bothered by the inevitable crushing of the individual spirit at the hands of giant monopolies.  But I digress...
I live in Manhattan, drive a Honda and don't consider illegal immigration a national security problem.  I believe words not only matter as much as actions, I believe they are actions.  Yes, I am a big-city, blue state, liberal elitist.  We're back, baby.  
Over the course of the coming months, I hope to enter into a debate with you about where we've been, where we are, and where we might be heading.  This is my first shot at a blog so, while the mechanics and design of this site may start out in a pedestrian manner, hopefully the content will not.  Because I can improve the design.
By all means, please write me back.  Often and loudly.

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